Winter months are coming to an end, and as we welcome Spring, there is one big thing on our minds: We need to start working on that summer body. In fact, in order to get the perfect booty, we recommend these easy workouts for you. Without further ado, these are 5 easy workouts to get the perfect booty, and rock that bikini this summer.
Heel-Lifted Squats

The typical workout to get the perfect buns! It is really efficient, as it help you workout both your leg and butt. In order to do so, just follow these instructions.
First, open your legs slightly wider than your shoulder-width. Then, point your toes upwards, and lift your left heel. Now, lower your butt toward the floor, and sit your hips back as well. Next, press gently into your right heel as u stand up into the starting position.

First if all, the starting position should be laying on the floor, with your knees apart, and wrists over your shoulders. As you face the ground, point a toe, and extend your right leg toward the ceiling. Second of all, lower your left leg to the floor and squeeze your body as you lift your legs back to the initial position. Third, lower your leg again to the kneeling foot, and go back to the start to complete the rep.
Bear Plank Leg Lifts

As for planks, yes, they are a necessary part of any butt exercise. Start by putting your body in plank position, with your shoulders above your wrists. Keep your body in a straight line, then lift the right leg and bend it 90 degrees. Follow up through pushing your heel to your butt, while keeping your foot flexed. Don’t forget to keep squeezing your butt as you rise your heel upwards. Take a pause, then bring both knees to meet to complete your first rep.
Single-Leg Lift

For an easier version of bear plank, you can definitely go for the single-leg lift. You just need to stand up on your right foot, then bend the left one in front of you. Again, put some pressure on your butt, as you slowly fold forward. Then, extend your left leg straight out behind you. and go back into the starting position.
Photos: Unsplash.