After sweating it up at the gym, the first thing you (hopefully) want to do is get clean. However, if you have plans to go eat or last minute errands to run, you might be tempted to just leave on your gym clothes until you can shower later. Despite the time-saving convenience of this habit, it can lead to some seriously gross health issues. Here are just a few of the many reasons you should change out of your sweaty gym clothes ASAP.
Sweaty Gym Clothes Clog Pores

First and foremost, sweat that stays on the body after working out can get trapped in the pores and clog them. This is exacerbated when one keeps on gym clothes covered in sweat, preventing your skin from breathing and trapping in bacteria. As a result, you are likely to break out from not wiping down with a towel or quickly showering and changing into new clothes.
Red Bumps On Your Rear End
If you ever start to see what appears to be acne on your behind, you probably have been wearing your tight sweaty gym clothes for too long. This condition is called folliculitis, and is a infection at the hair follicle often caused by wearing sweaty clothes for too long. So if you’d rather have a smooth bum free of red pimple-like bumps, switch out of that sweaty gym gear!
Your Sweaty Smell Stays With You

Even if your gym clothes quickly dry out, the smell is likely to stick with you. This is particularly true with “moisture wicking” athletic gear, which deflects water and traps body oils instead. This means your body odor is likely to smell even more when working out, meaning its even more important you take these off and give them a good rinse after working out (and thorough wash later.)
All Kinds Of Infections
The worst consequence of not changing out of wet, sweaty gym clothes after a workout is the infections. Gyms are breeding with bacteria, with studies finding over 25 different types on equipment and rails. Whatever possibly gets in contact with your gym clothes then stays on your body, increasing your chances of getting all sorts of infections. The best bet is to make sure you wash your hands post workout and also strip out of those gym clothes into something clean ASAP! At the end of the day, it’s your health!
Expect Some Skin Chafing

One of the most painful (and often avoidable) skin conditions is chafing. Chafing occurs when something rubs back and forth on the body, causing it to rash and sometimes bleed. While rubbing can occur naturally, often times sweaty clothes can exacerbate the effects of chafing. Wearing dry and moisture-wicking fabrics helps to reduce the chances of chafing, to keep you powering through your workout pain free!
Photos: Freepik, Unsplash