With the horrible heat wave hitting many parts of the world right now, heading to a hot and humid yoga studio is probably the last thing you feel like doing. However, there are many incredible benefits to Bikram Yoga that will make you feel like new after your 90 minute sweat session.
For Starters- What exactly is Bikram Yoga?
Founded in 1973 by Bikram Choudhury, this practice of yoga includes 26 different stretches, postures and breathing exercises all of which are done in a room of about 40°C and 40% humidity. Full disclaimer, you will be sweating up a storm. However, this design focuses less on intricate poses, and more on improving balance, flexibility, and breathing. Each session typically lasts about 90 minutes and the moves are very fluid.
A Sweaty Detox
With the amount of heat and humidity involved in Bikram Yoga, your body will be sweating a TON. The benefit to this is that sweat isn’t just salty water. Every time you sweat, it releases out many chemicals and toxins that have been trapped in your body. Instead of spending lots of money on the latest juice cleanse, try hitting the yoga studio instead for an immediate purifying result.

Your Joints Will Thank You
Bikram Yoga is also an amazing low-impact exercise for people who suffer joint pain, particularly in the knees and ankles. While it’s important to get some higher impact activities into your routine in order to strengthen joints, if they are already injured or painful, the extra pressure is only going to do more damage.
Improve Your Breathing
While breathing is just one of the many activities we do without even thinking about it, turns out there is a proper technique to this life skill. Bikram Yoga helps to perfect your breathing, so that your body gets maximum oxygen with every breath. This allows you to stay energized for longer. Additionally, the techniques learned in Bikram Yoga can help to prevent bronchitis, asthma, and other respiratory conditions.

Torch Those Calories!
Think stretching can’t possibly burn calories? Think again! From one 90 minute session, a person who weighs 150 pounds burns on average 716 calories! That’s about the same as a 6-7 mile run… You be the judge this summer.
Photos: Freepik