Whether it’s that time of the month or you just ate something heavy, bloating is one of the worst feelings. It’s a simple fact- no one in their right mind likes walking around feeling like a swollen tick. That said, many of us experience bloating regularly, which can negatively affect our self-esteem and cause serious discomfort. Before you start feeling doomed to suffer in a frequent balloon-like state for the rest of your life, we have several tricks that can prevent that nasty bloating.

First Things First: What Causes Bloating?
Sadly, there is no one determined cause of bloating. For some women, bloating is due to health reasons, like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). In fact, one out of every five women has IBS, and one out of every ten suffers from PCOS. Given this high prevalence, it is wise to talk to your doctor and see if this could be the source of your bloating. Asides from health conditions, bloating can also be due to lack of sleep, stress, and food sensitivities. With a wide range of possible causes, it can be difficult to solve what is making you personally experience this painful swelling. Nevertheless, the following tricks are smart actions to start to get you feeling better.
Always Eat Veggies Cooked, Not Raw

It is crucial to eat vegetables in order to have a healthy diet and a body that performs at its best. However, many vegetables are high in fiber that are difficult to digest and break down when raw, making your stomach expand in discomfort. By cooking the veggies, you get all the same great nutrients with a reduced amount of cellulose fiber. This means a healthy, happy tummy!
Reduce The Amount of Gluten And Processed Foods In Your Diet

Although processed foods are super convenient for when you’re on the go, they also are packed with lots of impossible-to-read chemicals, sugar, and fats, all of which can upset your stomach. Additionally, many people are unaware that they have a gluten sensitivity! Too much gluten causes irritation in the lining of your digestive track, which then results in bloating. Try a few days without eating glutenous ingredients or processed foods, and see if you can notice a difference!
Nix All Artificial Sweeteners

If you are aiming to lose weight by going on a low-calorie diet, it’s important to remember that many low-calorie products swap sugar for artificial sweeteners. Although there is inconclusive evidence on their link to cancer, there is definitive proof that artificial sweeteners cause bloating. Artificial sweeteners can also make you crave sugar even more, which in turn leads you to eating more calories.
Bust The Bloating With Yoga

Yoga is a wonderful form of exercise that helps the body to get rid of toxins. There are many poses and stretches that are actually designed with your swollen stomach in mind. Do a light 15 minute yoga routine when you wake up or before going to bed, and you are sure to feel lighter in the morning!
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