We’ll start off mentioning the importance of realizing how everybody is different: we all need different things to function properly. Some people will be able to eat a huge meal before running, while others prefer to stick to the lighter ones. It’s all up to you and how you feel, however, there are some general rules you can follow to make the most out of your running experience.
Find out what works for you
The first thing you should consider is finding out what works for you, and on the other hand, what doesn’t work for you. Someone might be intolerant or allergic to certain foods, so their body will not react well to eating them. It’s possible you don’t even have an intolerance, sometimes your body just straight up does not react well to eating certain foods before going for a run.
Trial and error
The important thing is you find out what these foods are. It’s a bit of a trial and error situation, but believe me when I say it’s very useful. Also, make sure you do only consume things you’ve tried before when you’re about to, for example, participate in an important race. You definitely do not want unpleasant surprises at such times.
No more fizzy drinks
That being said, fizzy drinks are always a no-go. Besides probably making you feel gassy, fizzy drinks will stay longer inside your system, as opposed to non-fizzy drinks. This can cause your level of performance to drop, which is something you most definitely do not want happening.
Forget about your beloved Gatorade
On the line of drinks you shouldn’t ingest, it’s probably for the best you ditch the gatorade-type drinks. Although you probably cannot go around them during a race, you better forget about them when it comes to shorter, more casual runs.
It might be true that the electrolytes it contains are good for you, but it’s also true that the rest of ingredients are highly questionable for your health. You should rather opt for water.
Less is more
It’s also worth mentioning more isn’t always better. It can actually be harmful for you to eat too much before going for a run. If there’s too much food to digest while you are running, you’ll most probably encounter digestive complications. So stay off eating a lot before running.
As a general rule, you could consume 100 calories one hour before leaving for a run, and 200 calories two hours before. That way you’ll make sure your stomach is calm enough to endure intense training.
Images: Unsplash