After you’ve logged in a tough workout, it’s important to eat and drink the right foods afterwards to jump start your recovery. Without certain nutrients, your muscles can’t properly rebuild and you’re likely to feel tired and sore, all of which can hinder your training and progression. These four foods are trainer approved for refueling as your post-workout snack.
Low-Fat Chocolate Milk
Experts across the board recommend low-fat chocolate milk as the power drink for post-workout recovery. The perfect mix of protein and carbs cuts recovery time and makes sure your muscles get the essential nutrients they need to rebuild. Plus, it’s a great excuse to get some yummy chocolate in your day!
Low-Fat Cottage Cheese

Unlike regular cheeses which can be high in fat, cottage-cheese is packed with protein needed for recovery after a tough workout. Your muscles require protein to ward off intense soreness and to properly rebuild so you can see the definition and hard work you put in!
Organic Eggs

Studies have shown that eating the full egg– not just the egg whites, can help with sparking your muscle growth and recovery. In fact, this same study found eating eggs actually helped the muscle fibers to repair even better than drinking protein shakes! Aim for organic eggs to avoid any potential unwanted hormones.
Tart Cherry Juice

Cherries are packed with antioxidants that help with reducing inflammation. This is key, especially after a hard training session to ensure your muscles can continue to function properly. As an added benefit, one study found that tart cherry juice also improved sleep, which is essential for a full body recovery!