When you pick up on the exercising habit, you may just want to workout every minute. Well, to get the best results, you should be careful of exercising ”too much.” In fact, health researchers have come together to investigate the best time to workout. Although it really depends on your daily schedule. However, studies indicate that the time of the day when you workout, actually does have an influence on your gains.
Several Studies Tell Us When To Workout
Kuusma and colleagues provided a study, in which they discussed an optimal time for working out (indoors too). In fact, they compared the results of 72 trained men, to compare day and night time workout schedules. They checked the perks of working out early in the morning on an early stomach, and in the evening after the body has more energy and has digested the food.
The Best Time To Maximize Your Muscle Growth
As a result, the evening training group experienced nearly 50% more muscle growth (and even when training with elastics) than the morning group. However, the morning group had an edge, when it comes to burning fat and loosing weight. As explained by the study, the best time to workout -for weight loss- is on an empty stomach.
On the other hand, working out in the late-afternoon/evening, has better perks on building strength. In fact, due to being more hydrated and fueled with glycogen, maximizing your muscle growth is best around that time.
Day Vs. Night?
So, when is the best time to workout? as we mentioned before, there’s an optimal moment that represents an intersection. Thus, anytime between 3-9 pm, is when your body’s core temperature is best fitted for working out. Nevertheless, and according to the same research, injecting some caffeine into your body before hitting the gym, will give you a boost. However, working out in the morning is also beneficial to you, if you don’t have any other free time during the day. In conclusion, as long as you are working out, because your physiology is going to match up with your behavior, eventually.
Photos: Freepik.