No time to make it to the gym? Just because you don’t have a set of weights in the house, doesn’t mean you can’t still get in a good workout. If you are aiming to do some strength training, these household items double as a great weight replacement. You’ll never look at milk jug the same!
A Gallon Milk Jug

Now there’s an even better way to “recycle” your gallon sized milk jug. If your container is already full of milk, it serves as a great weight to use for dumbbell curls given the convenient handle. (A full milk jug weighs between 8 and 9 pounds). If you want to change the weight to make it heavier or lighter, you can also add sand, rocks, or other materials. Talk about a true DIY dumbbell!
Plastic Water Bottle

The ergonomic grips on plastic water bottles make them a great household product to use as a weight too. Just fill an empty bottle with the heavy material of your choice, and boom. Instant dumbbell.

Forks aren’t just for lifting food to your mouth. By bundling up utensils with a rubber band, you can create a makeshift weight that is surprisingly heavy. Post meal you can get in some lateral lifts or other arm exercises prior to cleaning up the dishes. Put on some music and it will whiz by!
Laundry Detergent

One of your least favorite household chores might be the source of your new workout! A big bottle of laundry detergent can be left alone with the liquid inside, or when it’s empty you can refill it with rocks to really weigh it down. You can use the wait time for the clothes to be finished to put in a set of curls or “goblet squats.” This way you hit two birds with one stone by cleaning sweaty clothes and toning!
Photos: Freepik, Pixabay