Fitting in a workout session can be tricky with a jam-packed schedule. Thankfully, there are plenty of apps, quick exercises, and habits you can implement into your daily routine to aim toward getting the recommended amount of cardio and strength training. If you want to get that extra push and ensure the optimum workout, there is a scientifically proven best time to do so.
Morning Workouts To Blast Fat

The absolute best time to workout for fat loss is in the morning on an empty stomach. This is because first thing in the morning, your body has higher levels of cortisol and hormones, which together work to metabolize fat. Other studies have also found that people who regularly exercise in the morning tend to feel less hungry throughout the day, meaning they ultimately consume less than those who workout at another time.
If the extra fat burn wasn’t enough of a convincing reason to hit the gym in the morning, other scientists found working out first thing in the morning improves your mental health. Starting the day with stress-reducing exercise helps you to feel more positive, and in turn be more productive going into work afterwards. Knowing you also got in a workout to start your day makes you feel accomplished!
Afternoon Workouts For A Performance Boost

If waking up at the crack of dawn isn’t your thing, a great alternative time to fit in a hard workout is early afternoon. Having breakfast and lunch in your system already, your body will have more energy by the time you start to workout. This means any heavy lifting or long endurance exercises are perfect for this time.
Additionally, an afternoon workout between 1 and 4pm can help rev up you energy to avoid feeling in the dumps by the end of the day.
Convenience At A Cost With Night Workouts

The most convenient time for the majority of people to workout is at night after work. This can make gym sessions frustrating due to the number of people you are competing for equipment with. Additionally, workouts out at night might spike your energy levels, making it hard to fall asleep later at night. A night yoga session might actually calm down your system though.
The evidence is inconclusive about nighttime exercise inhibiting your sleep patterns, but one study did find that this late workout can reduce the levels of the hormone ghrelin in your system. This hormone stimulates hunger in the body, meaning you could benefit from a suppressed appetite with a regular night routine.
The Best Time Verdict

While working out in the morning provides the most benefits, ultimately the best time to workout is when it fits with your schedule and psychology. You should never force yourself into a morning routine if that morning alarm leaves you miserable and drained!
Photos: Pixabay, Freepik